If you plan to skipper a medium to large sailing yacht, ASA 103, Basic Coastal Cruising will enable you to do so. In this course you will learn to confidently sail a sailing yacht near shore while also mastering techniques that will enable you to handle the boat under power in close quarters and in higher wind conditions.
This course is two full days (12 to 16 hours) on the water.
This course consists of both advanced sailing theory and practical on-the-water training. ASA 103, Basic Coastal Cruising, builds on the ASA 101, Keelboat 1 foundation by providing even more hands-on experience.
Course Includes:
- Up to 16 hours of on-the-water practical instruction.
- Hoisting, dousing, furling & unfurling sails.
- Running & standing rigging
- Proper winch technique.
- Fresh water & fuel systems.
- Instruments, including chart plotters and autopilots.
- Location and use of safety equipment.
- USCG regulations and safety equipment check-out.
- Engine, head, electrical panel, and galley equipment.
- Pre and post sail checklist and condition at departure.
- Interpreting local and regional weather forecasts.
- Developing sailing Float Plans with local knowledge.
- Maneuvering under power.
- Anchoring, mooring and docking demonstrations and practice.
- Pointing out and correctly identifying navigation marks and aids to navigation.
- Steering a course.
- Rules of the road.
- Heavy weather sailing preparation & sail trim.
- Person overboard recovery, and emergency procedures.

- Classes are offered weekends and weekdays.
- Class size is limited to four students.
- Call for scheduling information.
- Reservations are required.
- Full tuition payment is due at the beginning of the first class, payable by check or cash.